What's a control flow graph?

July 26, 2009 at 12:49 PM | categories: Compiler | View Comments

I'd like to add tail call support to my Lisp compiler. I can think of two approaches to tail recursion:

  • Use the .NET tail.call prefix
    • Translate call followed by ret into tail.call followed by ret
    • It's easier to spot this pattern if we put IL in our own data structure before emitting it
    • Our own data structure needs to represent all the IL we use, including labels (for branching) and local variables
    • The label data structure needs a way to represent the target of a branch
    • Note: The tail prefix is a hint that the JIT compiler doesn't have to obey - here's a good explanation of the limitations
  • Translate functions that call themselves into loops
    • Our abstract syntax tree doesn't have a way to represent a loop
    • As above, it needs an AST capable of representing branches
    • The F# compiler does this; it's not able to rely on the tail prefix either
    • Can we apply this to functions that call each other recursively? At compile time we might not spot co-recursive functions: F# only allows co-recursive functions if they use the let ... and syntax to define both functions in the same source file.

The ability to represent loops, and control flow in general, seems to be important in your syntax tree. The LLVM approach to this is the basic block:

  • One entry point: no branching into the middle of the block
  • One exit point: always contains one branch instruction, at the end
  • Basic blocks can be connected to form a control flow graph: blocks are vertices, branch instructions are edges
  • Control flow graph is: directed (A branches to B); cyclic (A is allowed to branch to A - this is a loop)

How can we represent basic blocks in F#? The intuitive approach means defining a discriminated union:

// An instruction can be a regular opcode, 
//  or a branch to another basic block
type Instruction = CallInstruction of MethodInfo * obj
                 | Branch of BasicBlock

// A basic block is a list of instructions
and BasicBlock = BasicBlock of Instruction list

We have to construct a list of instructions before constructing a basic block. But how do we represent the following?

// C# pseudocode
while (true)
// F# abstract syntax tree for the above C#
let instructions =
        Call (writeLine, "hello");

        // How can we branch to something we haven't constructed yet?
        Branch ???
let program = BasicBlock instructions

The answer is to separate identity of basic blocks from the instructions within them. We could assign names or ids to them. Or, since we're writing F# and not Haskell, we could drop immutability:

// F# abstract syntax tree with mutability - 
//  note property assignment with <-
let program = new BasicBlock()
let instructions =
        Call (writeLine, "hello");
        Branch program

program.Instructions <- instructions

LLVM does something similar with its C++ API:

// LLVM equivalent in C++

// 'bb' is a basic block within func_main
BasicBlock* label_bb = BasicBlock::Create("bb", func_main, 0);

// First instruction in bb: call puts("hello")
CallInst::Create(func_puts, const_ptr_8, "", label_bb);

// Second instruction in bb: branch back to bb
BranchInst::Create(label_bb, label_bb);

I'm not yet sure of all the implications for my toy compiler, but already I can see some indications about how to structure the code to allow for optimisations like tail calling:

  • Structure the entire program as a graph of basic blocks linked by branch instructions
  • Abstract syntax trees can't do everything; instead, they appear as instructions within basic blocks
  • Construction of basic blocks must be separate from construction of the instructions within them, so that we can refer to a basic block from one of its own instructions
  • As it progresses through compiler passes, the program graph starts looking less functional and more imperative, until it eventually represents actual machine instructions
  • I should probably read a compiler textbook
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